Experiential Learning - Selling Lemonade for Parent by Grade IX Students

"Tell me and I forgot. 

Teach me and I remember.

Involve me and I learn.".

Experiential Learning
Experiential Learning

I am excited to see students selling lemonade for parents on the school campus.

Students must identify the school's need/opportunity as part of "Entrepreneurial Skills."

The students noticed that the parents wait for children in the hot summer to pick up the wards after school hours.

The students of class IX are divided into 3 groups to sell lemonade for the next three days during the waiting time.

The students learned a lot while selling lemonade like,

  • Communicating with parents.
  • Preparing lemonade
  • Coordinating with the team to prepare the lemonade.
  • Arranging the materials to prepare lemonade.
  • Handling the money.
  • Business profits and losses.


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